Albert Day Legg III, JD, MSN, RN

• Born and raised in Walker County.

• My family has lived in the Walker County area since 1816 (Since before there was even a Walker County).

• A 1983 graduate of Walker High School.

• A registered nurse since 1993.

• A master’s degree level nurse with a degree earned from the University of Alabama in Birmingham (UAB).

Experience as an attorney:

• Practicing since 1998.

• In the general practice of law.

• Experienced in the drafting of contracts, deeds and wills.

• Experienced in civil and criminal litigation.

• 10 years as a court appointed Guardian Ad Litem for children in dependency cases.

• 10 years as a court appointed attorney for indigent mothers and fathers in dependency cases.

• 10 years as a court appointed attorney for minors in delinquency cases.

• Handled over 500 dependency and delinquency cases to completion.

• Practiced since 2002 as a court appointed attorney for indigent individuals in criminal cases.

• Handled over 2000 criminal cases to completion.

• Extensive experience in preliminary hearings, bond hearings (requests and revocations), probation hearings (requests and revocations), parole hearings, motion hearings, delinquency hearings, CHINS hearings, dependency hearings, custody hearings, adult protective services hearings, commitment hearings, and trials.


Office: (205) 302-0706


86 North Walston Bridge Road
Jasper, Alabama 35504

